American Scientist MagazineSigma Xi

American Scientist is an illustrated bimonthly magazine about science and technology. Each issue is filled with feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers, reviewing important work in fields that range from molecular biology to computer engineering. The articles are carefully edited and accompanied by illustrations that are developed to enhance the reader's understanding and enjoyment.

Readers also enjoy The Scientists' Bookshelf, the most comprehensive book-review section offered by any science magazine, and a number of regular columns that cover topics in computing, engineering, public and professional issues and reflections on the history and practice of science. Once a year, the editors enlist children to help review books, software and other products for young scientists. And in the Science Observer section, the editors give the readers glimpses behind the scenes in science.

American Scientist has been published since 1913 by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. In recent years it has been honored with many awards for editorial, design and illustration quality. Read faithfully by Sigma Xi's membership of distinguished scientists and engineers, the magazine is now available on newsstands around the world, as well as by individual or institutional subscription.