Thia CooperFaculty

Professor Cooper teaches in the area of Religion, Culture, and Society. Her teaching and research interests include liberation theologies, feminist theologies, queer theologies, theology and development, non-western Christianities, and religion in Latin America, particularly Brazil.

Her recent publications include: Queer and Indecent: An Introduction to the Theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid (2021, SCM Press), A Theology of International Development (2020, Routledge), and A Christian Guide to Liberating Desire, Sex, Partnership, Work and Reproduction (2018, Palgrave). She regularly publishes and speaks on a variety of areas within liberation theology. At Gustavus since 2005.


A.B. Brown University, 1996; MSc School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1997; M.Th. & Ph.D. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999 & 2005

Courses Taught

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
REL-123 Faith, Religion, and Culture 16 2022/SP, 2014/SP, 2013/SP, 2010/FA, 2010/SP, 2008/FA, 2007/FA, 2007/SP, 2006/FA, 2006/SP, and 2005/FA
REL-273 Latin Amer Rel and Pol 8 2019/FA, 2018/SP, 2015/SP, 2013/SP, 2011/SP, 2009/SP, 2008/SP, and 2007/SP
REL-383 Liberation Struggles 7 2024/SP, 2022/SP, 2020/SP, 2018/SP, 2016/SP, 2014/SP, and 2010/SP
FTS-100 FTS:Why Multi Matters 7 2022/FA, 2020/FA, 2016/FA, 2014/FA, 2009/FA, 2007/FA, and 2006/FA
REL-399 Senior Thesis 7 2020/SP, 2017/SP, 2016/SP, 2013/SP, 2012/FA, 2011/SP, and 2009/SP
REL-200 Sources and Methods 6 2023/SP, 2022/SP, 2021/SP, 2019/FA, 2016/FA, and 2015/FA
NDL-210 Community Action 6 2015/JN, 2013/JN, 2011/JN, 2010/JN, 2009/JN, and 2008/JN
GWS-260 Global Feminisms 5 2021/SP, 2020/SP, 2017/FA, 2015/FA, and 2013/FA
REL-244 ST:Global Christians 4 2018/SP, 2008/FA, 2007/FA, and 2006/SP
LAS-399 LALACS Senior Capstone 3 2020/SP, 2015/SP, and 2014/SP
REL-299 Sources and Methods 3 2014/FA, 2011/SP, and 2010/FA
REL-344 ST:Sex, Race, Money 3 2014/FA, 2012/FA, and 2008/SP
REL-212 Christian Theologies 2 2023/FA and 2022/FA
REL-393 Sex/Race/Money/God 2 2023/SP and 2020/FA
REL-293 God and Globalization 2 2013/FA and 2009/FA
REL-391 IS:Christianity Hlth W Africa 1 2023/FA
PCS-211 Introduction to Peace Studies 1 2021/SP
REL-237 Global Christianities 1 2021/JN
NDL-244 ST:Global/Local 1 2011/SP