ContributorsNobel Conference 47

The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College, the first educational conference of its kind in the United States, is made possible through income generated by a Nobel Conference endowment and the support of annual conference contributors. The Nobel Conference Endowment Fund was created in July 1978 and is permanently secured as a result of the generous support of Drell and Adeline Bernhardson. Other gifts to the fund have been made by Russell and Rhoda Lund; the Mardag Foundation, in memory of Edgar B. Ober; and the UnitedHealth Group.

The College also acknowledges key contributions to the 2011 conference from Cambria, Heroic Productions, 3M, and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Cambria Heroic Productions 3M Thrivent Financial

In addition, the College acknowledges support from the Mankato Clinic Foundation and Medtronic, Inc.