January Term OpportunitiesA unique opportunity for teaching in an immersion setting

All faculty planning to propose new or returning study away courses are strongly encouraged to communicate with the CICE director prior to beginning the course proposal.

January Term study away courses are central to the Gustavus Adolphus College global-learning mission. Such courses are designed to incorporate opportunities unique to the locations where they are taught and to integrate classroom instruction and experiential learning activities. These courses are innovative, experimental, and, oftentimes, interdisciplinary. 

January Term courses differ from the regular semester in two principal ways: 1) their brief length--approximately four weeks--and 2) their immersion of students and faculty in a highly focused academic pursuit for that time period. Because of these differences, the mission of January Term is to provide ways for faculty and students to take advantage of the term's unique qualities in developing courses and other learning opportunities that enrich and expand upon the College’s regular semester curricula. January Term courses may fulfill major, minor, or Challenge curriculum requirements, and can be designed as Challenge Seminars. 

General Policies on January Term Study Away Programs

Please follow this links below to access the general policies disclosure for J-Term faculty-led programs and the scoring rubric used by the GEC to evaluate course proposals:
**IMPORTANT: Read this!!  General Policies about Leading a J-Term Program
Scoring Rubric for J-Term Proposals

Policy on Program Partners for Faculty-Led Programs

This policy disclosure addresses the need for a partner organization (in rare cases, an individual) serving as the Service Provider. All programs must have a contracted program partner organization provider.
Service Provider Policy

Proposals for New and Returning January Term Study Away Courses

Please submit a study away course proposal through the online application: https://forms.gle/qhWxqJXufbb6eqKR9. The Global Engagement Committee reviews applications, and forwards approved proposals to the Curriculum Committee. At this stage, you will use the Curriculum Committee's proposal system to apply for a Challenge curriculum designation. See more information on the Curriculum Committee webpage.

The proposal deadline for January Term 2024 JAN study away courses is September 29, 2022.


Still have questions? Please feel free to contact the Director of the Center for International and Cultural Education.