Kendall Center NewsletterNovember 1, 2019

Innovative Teaching Award 

The John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning and the Provost’s Office would like to recognize faculty who are engaged in innovative teaching (e.g., new uses of instructional technology, new ways to engage students in the learning process, new approaches to student collaboration, or new methods for improving student learning outcomes) and to encourage the dissemination of effective practices by sharing promising innovations with faculty more broadly. Therefore, we offer 2 Innovative Teaching Awards -- one that recognizes innovations at the Course or Currcular level ($1000 prize) and a second that recognizes innovative Assignments ($500 prize). Nominations must be received by 5 pm on Friday, November 8. Please visit the Kendall Center website for more information.

Faculty Writing Retreats at Gustavus and ASI 

The Kendall Center is hosting monthly Writing Retreats at Gustavus and at American Swedish Institute (ASI). November Writing Retreats will be held on Saturday, November 9 at ASI and at Gustavus (Konferensrum). Faculty can sign up for a full day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. devoted to writing. We’ll provide lunch and snacks. Please visit the Kendall Center website for upcoming dates and info. Email Cathy Blaukat ( to reserve your spot for one or all of the writing retreats.

Write-On-Site at the Kendall Center 

The Kendall Center is holding Write-on-Site for faculty in our conference room, Anderson Hall Room 303, on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am-12pm. Write-On-Site cultivates a community of scholars who work on their individual writing projects. Bring whatever you need for your writing. Show up, check-in about what you are working on for the session, and get to writing. We work in 25 minute increments with 5 minute breaks, but you can work at your own pace and come and go as your schedule permits. Faculty from all disciplines are welcome. No need to sign up, just show up ready to write.

Faculty Achievements Publication 

To promote and celebrate the professional scholarly, research, and creative accomplishments of the faculty, The John S. Kendall Center for Engaged Learning is publishing the 7th issue of Faculty Achievements. This edition will collect and celebrate the scholarship, research, and creative work presented, published, or awarded to faculty from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2019. To submit click here. To review any submissions that you’ve already made, go to to receive a faculty achievement report. 

Teachers Talking 

Please join us on Wednesday, November 6 for Teachers Talking. Topic: Who are our Multilingual Gusties? Carly Overfelt in the Center for International and Cultural Education will share information on who counts as "multilingual," how many MLL students we have on campus, and see stats on the students' linguistic backgrounds. Multilingual students will share their perspectives on campus and academic life in their own words. Program is at 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Free lunch at Three Crowns buffet, then meet in the Heritage Room.

New Faculty Orientation Session 

Join us on Thursday, November 14 for a New Faculty Orientation Session. Topic: On-campus Grant Opportunities. Learn about internal and external grant opportunities: scope of each grant, timing, budgets, and how to apply. Free lunch at the Three Crowns Buffet, then meet in the St Peter Room, 12:30 to 1:20 p.m

Faculty Shop Talk 

Madeline Harms (Visiting Assistant Professor in Psychological Science) will present at Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, November 15. Her talk ""Age, Experience, and the Explore-Exploit Dilemma"" will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Feel free to arrive any time after 4:15 p.m. The abstract for this and future talks may be viewed here.

Kendall Center Writing Space

The Kendall Center Conference Room (Anderson 303) is available for faculty writing. The space is quiet, stocked with tea and coffee, and can be accessed with your faculty ID. A few Kendall Center research and teaching groups are meeting there, so check the calendar before coming over ( or email Cathy Blaukat to reserve a specific date/time.