GoLive CS2/Site< GoLive CS2

GoLive CS2 Site

GoLive CSC2 is no longer the primary program used at Gustavus for maintaining websites. Currently, Contribute CS3 is the most recent website editing software. For more information visit the Contribute wiki article. Below are the instructions for using GoLive CS2.

About GoLive Sites

In Adobe GoLive, a site is a collection of files used in the creation of a Website. Essentially, a site is a personal copy of the files on a web server, which a user can modify and experiment with before synchronizing with the live server and publishing his or her documents for the world.

A site is best suited for a website that is maintained by one person. If multiple people are maintaining the same website, they should all use a Version Cue Site, to avoid overwriting each other's work.

Connect to an existing site

If a GoLive site has already been set up, the easiest way to get to is to choose the *.site file from the top of the File > Open Recent... submenu.

Make sure you don't choose other .cfm pages that appear in the bottom of the Open Recent... list, as GoLive will open them in FTP Browser mode, which can cause a lot of problems later when you try to synchronize.

Set up a new site

To set up a site for the first time, a GTS employee (or ambitious user) should take the following steps:

  1. Choose New... from the File menu.
  2. In the Site section, click Create Site and choose Site from Existing Content and click Next >.
  3. Click on By Downloading Files from a Remote Server' and click Next >.'
  4. Configure the FTP server:
    1. Leave Type of Server as FTP.
    2. Choose a descriptive Nickname, like Gustavus FTP.
    3. Type ftp.gac.edu for the Server.
    4. The Directory field depends on the location of your website.
      1. If you are working on your personal website in your www-docs, the directory field should be www-docs. The www-docs folder can be found in the root level of your home directory.
      2. If you are working on a page within the official Gustavus website, the directory field always starts with /cis/www/, and is followed by the subdirectory that your website is in. This subdirectory can be seen in your website's URL, in the information that comes after the http://www.gustavus.edu/ part (if there happens to be a *.cfm file at the end of the URL, ignore it). For example, the homepage of the Biology website is located at http://www.gustavus.edu/academics/bio/bio.cfm, so its Directory information in GoLive would be /cis/www/academics/bio/.
    5. The user (who must have permission to edit the site) must type in his/her Gustavus username and Gustavus password. If he/she does not want to be prompted for this information at each login, the Save box can be checked.
    6. Click Next >.
  5. Choose a descriptive Name for the site that makes sense for the user (i.e. "Smash Club website," "Library," or "Personal homepage").
  6. The Save To field determines where the Site will be saved on your local computer. In general, you should probably leave this as the default, which, on a PC will be in the C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents directory and on a Mac will be in the /Users/Username/Sites directory. Rarely, a site can be set up for a student who needs access from a lab machine; where the site can be saved to his or her home directory by browsing for their Z:\ Drive and creating a new folder somewhere in there. However, depending on the size of the website, this could easily put a user over their disk usage quota, so if a student must do this, they should contact one of System Administrators by stopping in at GTS in Olin or sending an e-mail explaining the situation to root@gustavus.edu.

<video width="320" height="240" class="boxright">Setting_up_a_new_site_in_GoLive_CS2.flv</video> GoLive will then synchronize with the live web server (download the appropriate files from the server to your computer), and as soon as it finishes, the user should be able to begin editing the site.

Adding files

  1. Locate the files that you would like to add to your site.
  2. Make sure that you have your site open in GoLive and that you can see the site window.
  3. Move GoLive a little out of the way so you can see both the files you want to add to your site and your site window.
  4. Select the files you want to add and drag them over your site window. Drop them in the folder that you want the file to live. This will add the files to your site.


<video width="320" height="240" class="boxright">Download_newer_files_in_GoLive_CS2.flv</video> When you open your site in GoLive, you'll see a window with two panes. On the left is your local copy of the webpages, located on your computer (or rarely your home directory if you're using a lab machine). On the right is Gustavus' live web server.

Every time you want to make changes to your site in GoLive, you should attempt to download newer files from Gustavus' live server before you make any edits, in case anyone else has modified the files in your site since the last time you worked on them. This eliminates the risk of overwriting other people's work. To download newer files from the server, open the Site menu, the Publish Server submenu, then choose Download newer files... or you can click on the curved down arrow (it turns orange when highlighted) in the toolbar.


<video width="320" height="240" class="boxright">Upload_newer_files_in_GoLive_CS2.flv</video> When you're finished editing a document, you should save it by choosing Save from the File menu, and close the particular page you're working on to get back to your site.

Then open the Site menu, the Publish Server submenu, then choose Upload modified files... or you can click on the curved up arrow (it turns green when highlighted) in the toolbar.

I still need help

There is a lot of good documentation within the application's built-in help. To access this, click on Help > GoLive Help in your menu bar. Adobe GoLive has been replaced by Adobe Contribue on campus at Gustavus and is no longer officially supported by the helpline or the web team.